About me
Stacey MacNeil-Ayeh originates from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. She credits her Cape Breton upbringing for her strong roots. Stacey has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from St. Mary's University in Halifax, a Bachelor of Education specializing in Indigenous Education, and a Masters of Religious Education from Newman Theological. Stacey has worked in Catholic Education for two decades, and her current position is with the Council of Catholic School Superintendents of Alberta (CCSSA), where she serves as the Alberta Catholic Education Curriculum Resource Coordinator (ACE CRC). Prior to her provincial work in Catholic Education, she was employed with Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools in Okotoks, primarily teaching Religious Studies in the junior high classroom. "I am so blessed to do this work that brings me across Alberta, including working with our Catholic Education partners in the Northwest Territories, Yukon, Saskatchewan and Ontari